Saturday was finally nice and felt a bit like summer. We have been wanting to get the boys bikes for a while now. They are always trying to get on strangers' bikes when nobody is looking. A few weeks ago our ward had a Luau. At one point i could not find the boys. Eventually i found them outside with Link on top of the missionaries bikes that were locked to a railing. How he got up on top i can only imagine. Yesterday we finally broke down and got them both a bike. Link was instantly attached to his bike, he doesn't even want help.. "its MY bike" He would rather sit on his bike at the front entrance then watch t.v.. and he LOVES TV. Now i just need to get helmets. Bikes sure get expensive with two, but the love they have for those bikes makes it worth it. Now i just need to get a camera so i can post pictures of them. Although Raz isn't ready for a bike, he has been trying to walk. He is getting good at taking 6 steps or so at a time. He has been attempting for about a week or so but since Thursday he has been doing it more frequent.
Mexican Street Tacos Recipe
5 weeks ago